Eurotrip 2005

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Needed to add...

  • Our train to Cinque Terra from Florance had a change in Pisa, so we stopped for a couple hours to check out the famous leaning tower (we = va, erti, and I...Joj wasn't interested and stayed in the train station with the bags). Well, first of all, its not that tall. But man, it leans. So it was pretty cool to see. Pisa was a neat little place too, though I don't think it would be worth much more than the 2 hours we gave it.

  • We went out for a nice Italian meal our last night in Cinque Terra where Joj and I split a pasta dish and "feasted" on wild boar (chops). (Feasted was just the term we assigned to the wild boar before it arrived, because you can't just eat wild boar, you have to feast on it. In the end, it was quite a small feast, but pretty tasty?)

  • We didn't get a spot in the cool cheap hostel last night, but we are moving over there tonight...


At 11:17 PM, July 02, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

sounds like you're having a great time in italy. been to rome yet? ive been to ireleland, germany, italy and england and love europe. Viel spass beim reisen!

visit my blog at

At 1:43 PM, July 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florence or Firenze but not "Florance."

This drive-by brought to you buy the Spelling & Grammar Police

At 2:24 AM, July 06, 2005, Blogger david said...

You know, if you are going to be mean about it, at least sign your post! :p

At 9:21 AM, July 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that I did not leave the anonymous grammar comment :), but I would like to know who did.

At 8:41 AM, July 09, 2005, Blogger Virginia said...

Thats really funny because after reading spelling and grammar police I determined it was obviuosly Steph and she was making it clear that it was her. But it wasn´t!!

At 9:35 PM, July 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude - who is abraham? and what does "viel spass beim reisen mean"? - and i thought blogs were grammer and spelling police free - and good frame-job whoever you are.

so, i had an hour layover in pisa and was determined to check out the silly tower and got lost but was determined to find it - did - snapped a photo and literally sprinted back to the train station. the photo didnt turn out.


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